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夏雨 2024-3-8 01:30:13 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
唐朝由军事指挥官李渊建立,李渊在镇压隋炀帝(614-618 年在位)的侍从、刺客发动的政变后,于 618 年称帝。虽然高祖(李渊的庙号)是唐朝第一位皇帝,但在他的儿子太宗(624-649 年在位)的统治下,唐朝巩固了其权力,并开始实现了持续了三年几乎不间断的国内和平。几个世纪以来,仅因长达九年的安禄山叛乱(755-763)而中断。



The Sui dynasties unified China under indigenous Chinese rule for the first time since the end of the Han period, and the Tang inherited this legacy. Yet unlike the Sui emperors, Taizong was of part Turkic ancestry, born and raised on the frontier, so he was intimately familiar with the problem of nomadic raiders who were pressing on the Tang northern borders. By 630 Taizong had defeated the first eastern Türkic nomads and resettled them north of the Ordos in Inner Mongolia.


Other Central Asian peoples and minor kingdoms in northwestern China submitted to the Tang court, naming Taizong and his heirs their "supreme Khan." This brought the important Hexi corridor and Gobi oases under imperial Chinese control, and Taizong enlisted garrisons of Turkic and Central Asian soldiers to protect the trade routes, facilitating a renewed flow of trade goods transported by Central Asian, Indian and Near Eastern merchants, who also brought along with them their religion and their culture.


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