欢迎来到充满活力的中国首都北京!这是一座独一无二的城市!从长城、故宫、天坛到 CBD 和三里屯等现代街区的繁华街道,我们将见证北京是如何在保留古老传统的同时发展成为世界强国的。我们将与来自加拿大的朋友亚历克斯一起漫步胡同,品尝当地美食。
In June 2024, we went to Guangzhou->Beijing->Shanghai->Chongqing. My son's favorites are Beijing and Chongqing. They are all great cities, clean, and modern. The people are kind/nice and the youth like to practice their English with us. We have done several international travel and I would like to point out that China is very very safe day or late night at any corner.
2024 年 6 月,我们去了广州->北京->上海->重庆。我儿子最喜欢北京和重庆。它们都是很棒的城市,干净、现代化。这里的人都很和蔼可亲,年轻人也喜欢和我们一起练习英语。我们已经进行过多次国际旅行,我想指出的是,无论白天还是深夜,中国的任何角落都非常安全。
As a foreigner visiting China for just a few days, you absolutely can enjoy the superficial benefits you mentioned, which have cost that paid by many ordinary Chinese who is exploited by China. China has a population of 1.4 billion, nearly half of whom have earned less than 200$ per month. While if you are a native, you would feel the contrary. What you said is not true China from locals' views.
作为一个来中国几天的外国人,你绝对可以享受到你提到的表面上的好处,而这些好处的代价是许多被中国剥削的普通中国人付出的。中国有 14 亿人口,其中近一半人的月收入低于 200 美元。如果你是本地人,你会有相反的感受。从当地人的角度来看,你所说的并不是真实的中国。
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