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卡卡西里 2024-9-2 16:30:08 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式



Some back story for this, initially a Canadian company approached Game Science and demanded that they pay 7mil to hire one of their consultant prior to launch, since Game Science refused it, a network of 'Woke' Game journalist were brought in to review the game and gave it negative reviews and rated it low, they even criticize it for the lack representation of 'Woke' politics e.g. LGBTQ and lack of diversity (it's Mythology I know, the characters aren't even human).

最初,一家加拿大公司找到“游戏科学”,要求他们在游戏发布前支付 700 万美元聘请他们的一名顾问。由于“游戏科学”拒绝了这一要求,一个由 “觉醒”游戏记者组成的网络被请来对游戏进行审查,并给出了负面评价和低分,他们甚至批评游戏缺乏对 “觉醒”政治的代表,例如 LGBTQ 和缺乏多样性(我知道这是神话,游戏中的角色甚至都不是人类)。

A lot of Western gamers were furious at this attempt to sabotage the company and started making their own videos to condemn those Woke journalist and disputed the claims. This had been a long ongoing problem in gaming content, there is a network of people who act as middle man to the Gaming industry who try to influence the success of those games,

许多西方玩家对这种破坏公司的企图感到愤怒,并开始制作自己的视频,谴责那些“觉醒 ”的记者,并对这些说法提出质疑。这在游戏内容方面是一个长期存在的问题,有一群人充当游戏产业的中间人,试图影响这些游戏的成功。

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