大疆是一家中国公司,是世界上最大的无人机制造商,占全球市场份额的70%以上,在美国市场的销售额高达90%。 美国 90% 的急救单位都在使用大疆无人机。在已提交参议院的《国防授权法案》立法中,大疆无人机将被禁止在美国使用或销售。
美国 90% 的搜救队都在使用中国制造的无人机,华盛顿将禁用它们!
Local governments and police and fire departments are fighting back, insisting that DJI drones are stronger, fly farther, have more robust communications packages, and are one fifth the cost of US-built drones.
They have grave concerns that the bans on DJI will have a huge adverse impact in their search and rescue missions, policing of criminals, fire control and prevention, and locating missing children.Especially worrisome is the case of major disasters and mass casualty events in remote locations, such as earthquakes, floods, or avalanches.
他们严重关切的是,对大疆的禁令将对他们的搜救任务、罪犯治安、火灾防控和寻找失踪儿童造成巨大的负面影响。 尤其令人担忧的是在偏远地区发生重大灾难和大规模伤亡事件时,如地震、洪水或雪崩。
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